Getting started
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Several options
Schools and teachers can approach Snizzly Snouts in different ways.
We suggest that your school team first answers a few questions.
Afterwards you can get to work in an appropriate and well-considered manner.
Will we use this book...
- throughout the school?
- in nursery classes or in the lower section?
- in certain classes?
- ...
Will we work...
- with the whole book?
- with certain aspects or parts of the book?
- with one poem?
- ...
To what extent will we introduce the overall theme (the experiences of blind and visually impaired persons)? In which class(es) will this theme be emphasized?
- How will we introduce the ‘inclusive’ book?
- Will we give specific lessons about this?
- How will we use the book as an object to feel?
- Which working methods will we choose for this?
Will Snizzly Snouts be a school project?
- Will we use the complete book and will each class focus on one aspect or part?
- Will we use the complete book but transcend class levels, perhaps allowing the pupils to choose?
- Will we do this once / systematically / for a certain period?
- Will we do this at regular, recurring moments?
- Will we involve external parties?
- Which general object do we want to pursue?
- Which learning content and learning activities do we want to plan?
- What do we want to emphasize?
- Do we want to create a show moment?
- Who is responsible for what?
- ...
Will we opt for the elaboration of fixed ideas?
- Will every classroom work out a Snizzly Snouts idea every year?
- Which learning content and learning activities does each class want to plan?
- How will we define the issues so that there is no overlap?
- Will we involve external parties?
- ...
Will we opt for the integration of Snizzly Snouts in other fixed themes?
- Which themes are suitable for integrating Snizzly Snouts?
- Which learning content and learning activities does each class want to plan?
- How do we define the issues so that there is no overlap?
- Will we involve external parties?
- ...
Will we opt for working out some lesson activities in each class?
- Which learning areas offer opportunities to work with Snizzly Snouts?
- Which learning content and activities does each class want to plan?
- What does each class want to emphasize?
- How will we define the issues so that there is no overlap?
- ...