
Solidariteitsprojecten van, voor en met blinde en slechtziende mensen.

Educational value

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SNIZZLY SNOUTS highly contributes to the general development of children.

Young children learn in an active and cooperative way. In a playful manner they practise specific motoric, cognitive and social abilities.

This exceptional book makes children aware of the diversity in our society. It also offers many linguistic and musical impulses.

The Snizzly Snouts are a 'must have' for every school library!

General purpose

SNIZZLY SNOUTS especially aims at building bridges between different words of experience. To this end the book and CD provide several extra tools, which are for the first time offered together in one book.

The book is attractive and accessible to both children with and without development problems. Physical disabilities (sensory or locomotory) and learning difficulties (generally retarded language development, dyslexia, ...) are triggers to start various learning processes for all target groups.

"I was very lucky to get the splendid book Rare Snuiters (Snizzly Snouts). This is a book to enjoy with all your senses. That's why I chose to use it as a central theme during this school year. The book perfectly fits the theme of 'being different'. Everyone happens to be a ‘snizzly snout’ sometimes. At the start of the school year we used Snizzly Snouts to reflect on our own talents, characteristics, qualities. The snizzly elephant also wishes everyone a happy birthday. This is a book we can really use a lot this year!” (Katrien David, primary school teacher at Alveringem, Belgium)

General objectives

Sensory (multisensory) development

Children learn to use all their senses, with the specific purpose to gain experiences. Seeing is only one aspect. You can also see with your ears, your fingers, your toes, your skin. The clear, detailed illustrations, the relief, the accompanying CD and the inspiring teacher suggestions (which exist in Dutch and are being prepared in English) ensure an inspiring experience for all children - with or without disabilities. The tactile skills of all readers are maximally stimulated.

Language Development

The playful poems and additional texts contribute to the development of the children's vocabulary. Thanks to the numerous possibilities for working with these texts the children get many opportunities to encorporate new words in their active language spontaneously.

Different speaking and listening objectives can be pursued in an integrated manner.

Reading pleasure and reading comprehension are encouraged and promoted. The short Braille texts, which can be found throughout the book, are attractive and secret messages in a mysterious code. Cracking this code is feasible and fascinating for everyone.

Musical development

Opportunities are offered in several artistic fields. Snizzly Snouts stimulates creative experiments with drawing, painting, modeling, creative speaking and writing, music, drama, photography, film, ...

Social and emotional development

The animals in the poems have properties and characteristics that all children can associate themselves with. The colourful collection of ‘snizzly snouts’ suggests a very diverse, imaginative world where children can enjoy and manifest themselves in all sorts of manners.

The book creates solidarity. Children learn to work together with everyone, in different ways.

Learning to learn

Experiential learning is strongly encouraged and supported. The protected area is opened up to a wider variety of experiences in which several learning opportunities are integrated.

The general knowledge is increased. All kinds of world orientation domains can be offered and examined together. The verbal description that goes along with the book is interactive: many questions are asked, encouraging the children to explore, to link different concepts, to ‘think differently'.